1. How do I shop OsmanLondon.com?
To make a purchase with OSMAN you do not need to register, however we suggest you create an account to access exclusive areas and services dedicated to our customers.
Item Search:
To easily browse our catalog, select a category from the navigation menu. To find something more specific, use the website search option.
Product Information:
On each product page, you will find all available sizes and colours, a description and the composition of each item
How to order:
From the product page, select the desired colour and size
Add the product to your shopping bag
Once you have finished shopping, click on shopping bag
Select a shipping method and a payment method
Check that all information entered is correct, and click Place order
2. Can I cancel my order?
You can cancel your order for any reason up to the moment it is processed. Once it has been processed, you cannot cancel but you may return your order. For instructions on how to do this, please refer to our Refunds & Returns page
Alternatively you can contact us:
(0) 207 401 9514
(Available Monday to Friday 9am‐6pm GMT)
3. What are the benefits of creating an account with OSMAN?
Store multiple shipping and billing addresses to expedite your checkout experience
Easily access your current order details and shopping history
Save credit card information to check out more quickly
4. My order is not being accepted. Why?
Please be sure that the address you are entering in the “billing” field is the address registered with your bank and the address where you receive your bank statement. If your order is still not accepted, please contact your bank and then contact us and we will be glad to assist you.
(0) 207 401 9514
(Available Monday to Friday 9am‐6pm GMT)
5. How do I return an item?
Return Instructions will be included with your items. Please complete return slip and send back within 14 days for a full refund.
6. What payment methods does OSMAN accept?
‐ Worldwide
Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Delta, Visa Electron, PayPal
Some cards may require authorization from the issuing bank.